Join our waitlist to be the first to experience the power of AI and Machine Learning powered mmWave and WiFi technology. Get early access to Inturai’s innovative platform and transform your home and business operations.
Sign up now to lead the future of monitoring!
Monitor multiple events and actions without the need for specialist devices.
Low code and super easy to integrate, giving you real-time, precise insights. You’ll have total control over your data.
Keep things secure and private by departing from multi brand IoT hardware and move to using AI-driven monitoring.
Leverage Inturais Radio Wave based Monitoring System.
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Mauris fermentum sapien sit amet lectus tempor, at sagittis nunc porttitor.
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Aliquam sollicitudin metus eget diam vestibulum, mollis placerat magna porttitor.
Inturai combines advanced AI and deep learning with data from typical WiFi routers to translate movements into specific information and observations about objects and activities in a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) format.
Designed for developers and businesses, by utilising our user-friendly APIs, individuals can leverage cutting-edge technology for easy self-managed implementation of customised solutions and machine learning models, enhancing intelligence and improving operational efficiency.